Client: Cisco Secure
Stakeholder: Cindy Valladares
Project Manager: Kari Mathisen
Art Director: Santos W. Vega III
Designers: Carol Johnston and Chris Canote
These comprehensive reports have provided detailed accounts of threat landscapes and their effects on organizations, as well as best practices to defend against the adverse impacts of data breaches. In a new approach to thought leadership, Cisco Security began publishing a series of research-based, data-driven studies.
While interconnected and tightly intertwined, security and networking are fundamentally different disciplines — different in intent, different in positioning, different in tone, and different in audience. A common thread, however, is that both networking and security should be relatively invisible to users — they have to just work.

Using a combination of grayscale imagery, geometric patterns, and thoughtful layouts, we’re able to craft visual stories that convey the complex, often abstract concepts of technology and information security.
Additionally, the collage style places the human element at the center of our story. We understand that people are as much a component of information security as devices or networks. Through collage, we position the human side of security as just as important as secure data and devices.

Historically, the security industry leads with the threat. Cisco Secure aims to overturn the threat-first approach and eliminate the FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), and the complexity that has beleaguered the security industry. Cisco Secure is born from the notion that security is a human emotion as much as it is a product, solution, or framework.
Security is a feeling, a state of mind.

The 59th-anniversary edition represents an elite selection of roughly 400 winners from 7,000+ entries. You can access the winners' gallery by category (annual reports), or go directly to winning pieces under the company/organization (Cisco Secure) name at 2022 GDUSA Inhouse Award Showcase
The digital edition of the design annual is now available free to share at GDUSA August 2022 Digital Edition.